Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bookstore. Not porn store.

Truth may be stranger than fiction, but it's also so much funnier!

A couple of stories from friends who work at bookstores that I just had to share:

Story #1

From my friend Mike D, who is studying library science and working in a Barnes & Noble:

So, this guy came into the store today looking for a job. Ugly, skinny dude
with big eyebrows and a Vinnie Barbarino (welcome back kotter) accent. He
said he was looking for a "legitimate job" and that he was mostly "a bartender
and took my clothes off." Try saying it with the accent, it's that much

I shit you not. According to his resume (which has his picture on it,
self-portrait), he is an exotic dancer and bartender. Wow. Highlight of my

Story #2

From my friend Janelle, who is a public health major and working in a Borders - her former supervisor got a call from a guy wanting to know:

Guy: "Do you guys have books on sexuality?"

Supervisor: "Why, yes, we do."

Guy: "How about anal sex specifically?"

Supervisor: "Uh-"

Guy: "Because I am trying to convince my girlfriend to do that with me. Can you give me any advice?"

Supervisor: "Try Barnes & Noble."


Darth Weasel said...

I think most jobs should include the former; bookseller/exotic dancer, McDonalds front counter/exotic dancer, brani surgeon/exotic dancer....yep, works ever time. let's try one more; presidential candidate/exotic dancer...

Scarlet said...

"Try Barnes and Noble." I'll have to use that one at work. ;)

JLee said...

Wow. I'm speechless!

Green tea said...

Sounds to me that some Fraternity is testing there pledges.
You are too funny Kitty.. :D

vivavavoom said...

awesome!!!love that she told him to go to Barnes and Noble!

Coby said...

Hey your package is currently en route to your home!!!!!! It will be there today!!!!! It does however require a signature. I didnt want them leaving it on your doorstep